


Status:Active, full but can join waiting list
When: on Thursday mornings 10:30 am
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Venue: Livermead Cliff Hotel
Cost: Refreshments from Hotel bar

We are a group who enjoy trying to learn some Spanish through storytelling and conversation at a basic to intermediate level. At the moment we tend to choose a subject to write about for the following meeting. Our stories are short so that everyone has a 'go' and we can talk about them and learn as we go along.

We organise ourselves collaboratively and are prepared to venture down a slightly different path if members want to try that.

We are a small group and mean to keep it that way so that we have time to embrace the learning of everyone through sharing what we have gathered as individuals. We don't do lessons.

The group is currently full but contact me using the link above to be added to a waiting list.

Peter Martin

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