


Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Thursday mornings 10:00 am
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Venue: St Annes Hall
Cost: £3.00 (includes tea or coffee)

This friendly group enjoy working in a variety of media, using the techniques of their own choosing. The majority prefer to ‘Do their own thing’ which is fine. As a teacher of Art and Design for 41 years, I am available to give hints and advice as and when requested.

Our group ranges from complete beginners to regular exhibitors. We do not offer a structured course; individuals usually provide their own source images for paintings or drawings and bring their own materials.

Should you not have an idea to work on, I do at each session provide something to draw or introduce a specific focus. We have drawn still-life arrangements, looked at how to draw an Ellipse and explored the perspective of Doorways and Windows.

Contact me using the link above for more information or to join the group.

David Gazard

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